Sažetak | Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the incidence of EC in the University Hospital of
Split before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic. It aimed for the gross and histological
characteristics to be investigated for comparison between the three study groups, and for the
stage of disease at the time of diagnosis to be determined.
Patients and methods: This study was designed as a retrospective study. The dataset involves
218 female patients who underwent surgery for EC between January 2018 and March 2024.
The pathology reports are evaluated, and data is collected to compare between three study
groups according to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Results: The patients included in this study were divided into three groups, before COVID-19
(BC), during COVID-19 (DC), and after COVID-19 (AC). The mean patient age in years at the
time of diagnosis was 64±10 in the BC group, 63±9 in the DC group, and 67±11 in the AC
group. Between the studied groups, there was no significant difference in the size of the tumors
(P=0,856). The least common type diagnosed was UC, and the most common type was EEC in
all studied groups. Low grade was the most common histological grade. For lympho-vascular
invasion, 19 cases were noted in the BC group, 14 cases in the DC group, and nine cases in the
Ac group. The involvement of the lower uterine segment (P=0,212) and cervix (P=0,497), was
of no difference in each of the groups. Similarly, for the spread to other organs and tissues there
was no significant difference. According to the World Health Organization pTNM Pathology
classification and to the 2023 FIGO classification. most of the ECs were at pT1a stage and IA2
category. None of the results were statistically significant. The Spearman correlation for
histology type and pTNM disease stage for the BC group was r=0,303 (P=0,008), for the DC
group r=0,369 (P=0,002), and the AC group r=0,372 (P=0,001). The Spearman correlation for
histology type and FIGO disease stage for the BC group was r=0,698 (P<0,001), for the DC
group r=0,530 (P<0,001), and for the AC group r=0,357 (P=0,002).
Conclusion: The findings from this study demonstrate that the University Hospital of Split was
able to provide sufficient care for their patients diagnosed with EC, even during a global
pandemic. There was no significant difference between the study groups, which shows that
surgery was performed in a timely manner and in the same amount at all times. Tumor grade
and size showed no significant increase or decrease during or after the pandemic, which also
underlined the timely intervention and care for patients. |
Sažetak (hrvatski) | Ciljevi: Ovo istraživanje imalo je za cilj procijeniti incidenciju EC-a u KBC-u Split prije,
tijekom i nakon pandemije COVID-19. Cilj je bio istražiti grube i histološke karakteristike za
usporedbu između tri ispitivane skupine, te odrediti stadij bolesti u vrijeme dijagnoze.
Ispitanici i metode: Ova je studija osmišljena kao retrospektivna studija. Skup podataka
uključuje 218 pacijentica koje su bile podvrgnute kirurškom zahvatu zbog EC-a između siječnja
2018. i ožujka 2024. Patološka izvješća se procjenjuju, a podaci prikupljaju kako bi se
usporedile tri skupine prema pandemiji COVID-19.
Rezultati: Pacijenti uključeni u ovu studiju podijeljeni su u tri skupine, prije COVID-19 (BC),
tijekom COVID-19 (DC) i nakon COVID-19 (AC). Prosječna dob bolesnika u godinama u
vrijeme postavljanja dijagnoze bila je 64±10 u skupini BC, 63±9 u skupini DC i 67±11 u skupini
AC. Između ispitivanih skupina nije bilo značajne razlike u veličini tumora (P=0.856). Najrjeđe
dijagnosticiran tip bio je UC, a najčešći tip EEC u svim ispitivanim skupinama. Niski stupanj
bio je najčešći histološki stupanj. Za limfo-vaskularnu invaziju zabilježeno je 19 slučajeva u
skupini BC, 14 slučajeva u skupini DC i devet slučajeva u skupini Ac. Zahvaćenost donjeg
uterinog segmenta (P=0.212) i cerviksa (P=0.497) nije se razlikovala u svakoj od skupina.
Slično, za širenje na druge organe i tkiva nije bilo značajne razlike. Prema klasifikaciji pTNM
patologije Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije i klasifikaciji FIGO iz 2023. većina EC-a bila je u
stadiju pT1a i kategoriji IA2. Nijedan od rezultata nije bio statistički značajan. Spearmanova
korelacija za histološki tip i pTNM stadij bolesti za skupinu BC bila je r=0.303 (P=0.008), za
skupinu DC r=0.369 (P=0.002), a skupinu AC r=0.372 (P=0.001). Spearmanova korelacija za
histološki tip i stadij FIGO bolesti za BC skupinu bila je r=0,698 (P<0.001), za DC skupinu
r=0,530 (P<0.001), a za AC skupinu r=0,357 (P=0.002).
Zaključci: Nalazi ovog istraživanja pokazuju da je KBC Split uspio pružiti adekvatnu skrb
svojim pacijentima s dijagnozom EC-a, čak i tijekom globalne pandemije. Nije bilo značajne
razlike između ispitivanih skupina, što pokazuje da je kirurški zahvat obavljen pravodobno i u
cijelom vremenu u jednakoj količini. Gradus i veličina tumora nisu pokazali značajno
povećanje ili smanjenje tijekom ili nakon pandemije, što je također naglasilo pravovremenu
intervenciju i skrb za pacijente. |