Sažetak | Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi podudarnost tri različita seta klasifikacijskih kriterija za dijagnozu pSB: revidirani Japanski kriteriji (1999.), klasifikacijski kriteriji Američko-europske konsenzusne grupe (AECG) (2002.) i klasifikacijski kriteriji (ACR/EULAR) (2016). Materijali i metode: U istraživanje su bili uključeni ispitanici koji su došli na prvi specijalistički pregled u Ambulantu oralne medicine Stomatološke poliklinike Split, Split, Hrvatska zbog prisustva sicca simptoma od 2019. do 2024 godine. Podudarnost između različitih setova klasifikacijskih kriterija određena je pomoću Cohenovog kappa koeficijenta (κ). Rezultati: Od ukupno 78 pacijenata, 4 pacijenta (5,0 %) ispunjavala su ACR/EULAR kriterije, 21 pacijent (27,0 %) ispunjavao je sva tri seta kriterija, a 53 pacijenata imalo je sicca simptome. Svi setovi kriterija pokazali su dobru međusobnu podudarnost. Najveća podudarnost pronađena je između ACR/EULAR kriterija i revidiranih Japanskih kriterija (κ = 0,91) s nešto manjom podudarnosti između ACR/EULAR i AECG kriterija (κ = 0,88) te između AECG i Japanskih kriterija (κ = 0,852). Bolesnici koji su ispunjavali ACR/EULAR kriterije bili su u prosjeku stariji u odnosu na bolesnike koji su ispunjavali sva tri seta kriterija (P = 0,208). Također, imali su kraću duljinu trajanja simptoma (P = 0,122), prisutnu kserostomiju (100,0 %; P = 1,000) i veće srednje vrijednosti FS (P = 0,24) u odnosu na bolesnike koji su ispunjavali sva tri seta kriterija. Bolesnici koji su ispunjavali sva tri seta kriterija imali su veću učestalost kseroftalmije (76,0 % vs 25,0 %; P = 0,081) i abnormalne vrijednosti Schirmer testa (71,0 % vs 0,0 %; P = 0,017) u odnosu na bolesnike koji su zadovoljavali samo ACR/EULAR kriterije. Zaključci: Svi setovi kriterija pokazali su dobru međusobnu podudarnost. ACR/EULAR kriteriji pokazali su nešto veću osjetljivost za dijagnozu SB u odnosu na preostala dva seta kriterija. UWS pokazala se kao vrijedan dijagnostički alat za SB. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the concordance of three different sets of classification criteria for the diagnosis of pSB: the revised Japanese criteria (1999), the classification criteria of the American-European Consensus Group (AECG) (2002) and the classification criteria ACR/EULAR (2016). Materials and Methods: The study included subjects who came to the first specialist examination at the Oral Medicine Outpatient Clinic of the Split Dental Clinic, Split, Croatia, from 2019 to 2024 due to the presence of sicca symptoms. The concordance between the different classification criteria was determined using Cohen's kappa coefficient (κ). Results: Of the total 78 patients, 4 patients (5.0%) fulfilled the ACR/EULAR criteria, 21 patients (27.0%) fulfilled all three sets of criteria and 53 patients had sicca symptoms. All criteria sets showed good agreement. The highest concordance was found between the ACR/EULAR criteria and the revised Japanese criteria (κ = 0.91) with slightly lower concordance between the ACR/EULAR and AECG criteria (κ = 0.88) and between the AECG and Japanese criteria (κ = 0.852). The patients fulfilling the ACR/EULAR criteria were on average older than patients fulfilling all three criteria sets (P = 0.208). They also had shorter symptom duration (P = 0.122), the presence of xerostomia (100.0%; P = 1.000) and higher mean FS scores (P = 0.24) compared to patients who fulfilled all three criteria. The patients fulfilling all three criteria had a higher frequency of xerophthalmia (76.0% vs. 25.0%; P = 0.081) and abnormal Schirmer test scores (71.0% vs.0.0%; P = 0.017) compared to patients fulfilling only the ACR/EULAR criteria. Conclusions: All criteria sets showed good mutual agreement. The ACR/EULAR criteria showed a slightly higher sensitivity for the diagnosis of SB compared to the other two criteria sets. The UWS proved to be a valuable diagnostic tool for SB. |