Sažetak | Cilj: Ispitati pojedinačno djelovanje inhibitora RNazeH2A, pod nazivima Inhibitor A, Inhibitor B i Inhibitor C, na karcinomske stanice T24 i RT4 stanične linije. Pretpostavka je da će se nakon izlaganja karcinomskih stanica T24 i RT4 staničnih linija svakom pojedinačnom inhibitoru smanjiti preživljenje karcinomskih stanica, to jest broj karcinomskih stanica će biti manji u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu stanica koje nisu izložene inhibitorima.
Materijali i metode: Ispitivanje djelovanja inhibitora se provodilo na stanicama karcinoma mokraćnog mjehura T24 i RT4 stanične linije. Citotoksičnost inhibitora se određivala nakon 4, 24, 48 i 72 sata MTT testom.
Rezultati: Karcinomske stanice T24 stanične linije pokazuju smanjeno preživljenje u odnosu prema kontroli:
- za oko 25 % nakon 48 i 72 sata djelovanja Inhibitora A u najvećoj koncentraciji, dok je pri drugim koncentracijama i vremenu izloženosti smanjenje postotka puno manje, a nakon 4 sata ne postoji.
- za oko 30% nakon 24 sata djelovanja Inhibitora B u četiri najviše koncentracije, a nakon 48 i 72 sata, u pet najviših koncentracija, za,najviše, oko 80 %.
- za najviše 10 % nakon 24 sata djelovanja Inhibitora C u dvije najviše koncentracije te za najviše oko 25% nakon 48 sati djelovanja Inhibitora C u tri najviše koncentracije, a nakon 72 sata za,najviše oko 40 % samo u nekim koncentracijama
Karcinomske stanice RT4 stanične linije pokazuju smanjeno preživljenje u odnosu prema kontroli:
- za oko 30 % nakon 24 sata djelovanja Inhibitora A samo u jednoj koncentraciji te za, najviše oko 25 % nakon 48 sati, a nakon 72 sata pri svim koncentracijama inhibitora, za oko 30 do 50 %. Ne uočava se razmjerno smanjenje preživljenja povećanjem koncentracije inhibitora.
- za najviše oko 15 % nakon 4 sata djelovanja Inhibitora B samo u nekim koncentracijama te za najviše oko 55 % i 60 % nakon 24 i 48 sati, a nakon 72 sata u svim koncentracijama inhibitora za oko 30 do 50 %. Ne uočava se razmjerno smanjenje preživljenja povećanjem koncentracije inhibitora.
- za najviše oko 20 % nakon 4 sata djelovanja Inhibitora C samo u nekim koncentracijama te za oko 10 do 55 % nakon 24 i 48 sati samo u nekim koncentracijama, a nakon 72 sata za oko 30 do 50 % u svim koncentracijama. Ne uočava se razmjerno smanjenje preživljenja povećanjem koncentracije inhibitora.
Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da in vitro izlaganje stanica karcinoma mokraćnog mjehura T24 i RT4 stanične linije inhibitorima RNazeH2A, Inhibitoru A, Inhibitoru B i Inhibitoru C dovodi do smanjenog preživljenja tih stanica. Smanjeno preživljenje nije pronađeno jednako u svim koncentracijama i vremenima izloženosti djelovanju inhibitora, a tamo gdje je pronađeno kreće se u rasponu od manje od 1 % do više od 80 %. Smanjenje preživljenja nije uvijek bilo u razmjeru s povećanjem koncentracije inhibitora. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objectives: To investigate separately effects of RNaseH2A inhibitors, called Inhibitor A, Inhibitor B and Inhibitor C, on the cancerous cells of the T24 and RT4 cell line. The assumption is that exposure of cancer cells of the T24 and RT4 cell lines to each inhibitor will reduce the survival of cancer cells, that is, the number of cancer cells will be lower than in the control group of cells that were not exposed to the inhibitor.
Material and Methods: Testing of inhibitors was carried out on bladder cancer cells of RT4 and T24 cell line. The cytotoxicity of the inhibitor was determined after 4, 24, 48 and 72 hoursby MTT assay.
Results: Cancerous cells of the T24 cell line show decreased survival compared to untreated controls:
- for about 25 % after 48 and 72 hours of the exposure to the Inhibitor A at highest concentration, while at other concentrations and time of exposure, the decrease in percentage is much weaker, and after 4 hours does not exist.
- for about 30 % after 24 hours of the exposure to the Inhibitor B at four highest concentrations, and after 48 and 72 hours at the five highest concentration for, at most, about 80 %.
- for 10 % after 24 hours of the exposure to the Inhibitor C at the two highest concentrations; for, at most, about 25 % after 48 hours at three highest concentrations, and after 72 hours for, at most, about 40 % at some concentrations.
Cancerous cells of the RT4 cell line show decreased survival compared to untreated controls:
- for about 30 % after 24 hours of the exposure to the Inhibitor A, only at one concentration; for, at most, about 25 % after 48 hours, only at some concentrations, and and after 72 hours, at all concentrations, for about 30 to 50 %. A reduction in proportion of survival by increasing the concentration of the inhibitor was not shown.
- for, at most, about 15 % after 4 hours of the exposure to the Inhibitor B activity, at some concentrations; for, at most, about 60 % after 24 hours and for 30 to 50 % after 72 hours at all concentrations of inhibitor. A reduction in proportion of survival by increasing the concentration of the inhibitor was not shown.
- for, at most about 20 % after 4 hours of the exposure to the Inhibitor C, in some concentrations; for about 10 to 55 % after 24 and 48 hours, in some concentrations, and after 72 hours for from about 30 to 50 % at all inhibitor concentrations. Here also a reduction in proportion of survival by increasing the concentration of the inhibitor was not shown.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates that in vitro exposure of bladder cancer cells of T24 and RT4 cell line to RNaseH2A inhibitors, Inhibitor A, Inhibitor B and Inhibitor C leads to decreased survival of these cells. Decreased survival were not found in every concentration and time of exposure to the inhibitor, and where found it was ranging from less than 1 % to over 80 %. Reduction in survival was not always in proportion to the increasing concentration of inhibitor. |