Sažetak | CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi učestalost i klinička obilježja malignih oboljenja u bolesnika sa SLE-om u Splitsko-dalmatinskoj županiji u desetogodišnjem periodu.
MATERIJALI I METODE: Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 271 bolesnika sa SLE-om liječenih u KBC-u Split u razdobolju od 1. siječnja 2007. do 31. prosinca 2016. godine. Za dobivanje podataka korištena je medicinska dokumentacija iz ambulante, stacionara i dnevne bolnice Zavoda za kliničku imunologiju i reumatologiju. Bolesnici su uključeni u istraživanje na temlju jasne dijagnoze SLE-a prema revidiranim ACR kriterijima.
REZULTATI: U skupini od 271 bolesnika maligno oboljenje se javilo kod njih 24 (8,85%). Sveukupno je pronađeno 27 malignih tumora jer su neki bolesnici imali više od jednog tumora. Od ukupnog broja bolesnika 26 je bilo muškog spola (9,59%) i 245 ženskog spola (90,41%), a od bolesnika s malignim oboljenjem 3 su bila muškarca (12,50%) i 21žena (87,50%). Prosječna dob bolesnika sa SLE-om je 49,45 godina, a bolesnika sa SLE-om i malignim oboljenjem 60,2 godine. Šestoro bolesnika iz skupine s malignim oboljenjima je preminulo, jedno od posljedica malignoma, a dvoje nevezano za malignom, a za troje je uzrok nepoznat. Većina bolesnika (79,17%) je oboljela od malignog tumora nakon postavljanja dijagnoze SLE-a. Najčešća lokalizacija malignoma bio je grlić maternice (25%). Većina bolesnika s malignim oboljenjem je ANA (79,17%) i ENA (79,17%) pozitivno. Bolesnici s malignomom su najčešće bili na terapiji kortikosteroidima (54,16%), potom kombinaciji kortikosteroida i imunosupresiva (29,16%), zatim bez kortikosteroida i imunosupresiva (16,66%), a ni jedan bolesnik nije bio isključivo na terapiji imunosupresivima.
ZAKLJUČAK: Maligno oboljenje se javilo u 8,85% bolesnika s dijagnozom SLE-a. Bolesnici s malignim oboljenjem u sklopu SLE-a su statistički značajno stariji od bolesnika bez malignog oboljenja. Najčešća lokalizacija malignoma bio je grlić maternice (25%). Statistički značajna većina bolesnika s malignim oboljenjem i SLE-om je ANA i ENA pozitivna. |
Sažetak (engleski) | OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of malignant neoplasms in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and their clinical features in Split-Dalmatia county during a ten-year period.
METHODS: 271 patients with SLE were included in this study, all of them being treated in University Hospital Split during the period from January 1, 2007. to December 31, 2016. The data was collected from the archives of the Department of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology. All patients were evaluated by the revised ACR criteria for SLE.
RESULTS: In the group of 271 patients, 24 of them developed a malignant neoplasm (8,85%). We found 27 malignant neoplasms due to the fact that some patients had had more than one tumor. Looking at the total number of 271 patients, 26 of them were male (9,59%) and 245 were women (90,41%) and when we focus on the group with malignomas there were 3 male patients (12,50%) and 21 female patients (87,50%). The average age for patients with SLE and without malignoma was 49,45 years and for the group with malignoma 60,2 years. Three patients from the malignoma group died during this period, one due to malignancy and two because of other medical conditions not connected to malignancy. Most patients developed malignoma after the diagnosis of SLE (79,17%). The most common localisation for malignant neoplasms was the cervix (25%). Most of the patients in the malignoma group were ANA (79,17%) and ENA (79,17%) positive. Those patients were most commonly on a corticosteroid therapy (54,16%), followed by combination of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive therapy (29,16%) and no use of corticosteroid or immunosuppressive therapy (16,66%). None of the patients were taking only immunosuppressive therapy.
CONCLUSION: Malignancy occured in 8,85% of the patients with SLE. Patients suffering from SLE and a malignant neoplasms were statistically significantly older than the patients suffering only from SLE. The most common localisation of malignoma was the cervix (25%). Statistically significant majority of patients with malignoma and SLE were ANA and ENA positive. |