Sažetak | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj istraživanja bio je retrospektivno ispitati pojavnost i preživljenje pacijentica oboljelih od sarkoma maternice na Klinici za ženske bolesti i porode KBC-a Split u razdoblju od 25 godina.
Materijali i metode: Retrospektivnom analizom povijesti bolesti iz Klinike za ženske bolesti i porode i Klinike za onkologiju KBC-a Split zabilježeno je ukupno 158 pacijentica s dijagnozom sarkoma maternice u razdoblju od 1993. do 2018. godine. Ispitani parametri jesu: godina dijagnosticiranja sarkoma, dob pacijentice u trenutku dijagnoze, patohistološka dijagnoza, FIGO stadij proširenosti bolesti i preživljenje u mjesecima.
Rezultati: Prosječna dob u trenutku dijagnosticiranja sarkoma maternice iznosi 60,7 godina te se najviše pacijentica nalazi u dobnoj skupini od 60 do 70 godina. Najmlađa bolesnica imala je 21 godinu, a najstarija 92 godine života. Nije zabilježena značajna razlika u pojavnosti sarkoma maternice tijekom razdoblja od 25 godina. Prema patohistološkim nalazima najčešće dijagnosticiran histološki tip je karcinosarkom (35,44 %), a zatim lejomiosarkom (30,38 %). Prema FIGO klasifikaciji stadij I utvrđen je kod 89 pacijentica, stadij II kod 24 pacijentice, stadij III kod 20 pacijentica i stadij IV kod 19 pacijentica. Od 158 ispitanih slučajeva sarkoma maternice u razdoblju od 1993. do 2018. godine umrle su 103 pacijentice (79,8 %), a preživjelo ih je 26 (20,2 %). Median preživljenja za sarkome maternice iznosi 22 mjeseca (SD ±4,471). Analizom preživljenja po Kaplan-Meieru utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u duljini preživljenja ispitanica u odnosu na FIGO stadij (p < 0,001).
Zaključci: Prosječna dob u trenutku dijagnosticiranja bila je 60,7 godina. Najveći je broj oboljelih pacijentica u dobnoj skupini od 60 do 70 godina. Nema značajne razlike u pojavnosti sarkoma maternice tijekom razdoblja od 25 godina. Najčešće dijagnosticiran histološki tip bio je karcinosarkom (35,44 %), a slijedi ga lejomiosarkom (30,38 %). Najveći broj sarkoma dijagnosticiran je u FIGO I stadiju bolesti. Median preživljenja iznosi 22 mjeseca (SD ±4,471). Analizom preživljenja po Kaplan-Meieru utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika u duljini preživljenja ispitanica u odnosu na FIGO stadij (p < 0,001). |
Sažetak (engleski) | Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to retrospectively examine the occurrence and survival of patients with uterine sarcoma at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University Hospital Split for a period of 25 years.
Materials and Methods: The medical records from Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University Hospital Split and Department of Oncology, University Hospital Split were analyzed retrospectively and a total of 158 patients with a diagnosis of uterine sarcoma were recorded between 1993. and 2018. The following parametres had been analysed: current year at the time of diagnosis of sarcoma, the patient's age at the time of diagnosis, the pathohistological diagnosis, the FIGO stage of the tumor and the survival in years.
Results: The median age at the time of diagnosis was 60.7 and the highest number of patients was in the age group of 60 to 70 years. The youngest patient was 21 and the oldest was 92 years old. There was no significant difference in the appearance of the uterine sarcoma over a period of 25 years. According to the pathohistological findings the most commonly diagnosed histological type was carcinosarcoma (35.44%) and then leiomiosarcoma (30.38%). According to FIGO classification stage I was determined in 89 patients, stage II in 24 patients, stage III in 20 patients and stage IV in 19 patients. Out of the 158 cases of uterine sarcoma in the period from 1993 to 2018, 103 patients died (79.8%) and 26 (20.2%) survived. The survival median for uterine sarcoma was 22 months (SD ± 4.471). Survival analysis by Kaplan-Meier showed statistically significant difference in the survival length compared to FIGO stage (p <0.001).
Conclusion: The median age at the time of diagnosis was 60.7 years. The highest number of patients was in the age group of 60 to 70 years. There was no significant difference in the appearance of the uterine sarcoma over a period of 25 years. The most commonly diagnosed histological type was carcinosarcoma (35.44%) followed by leiomiosarcoma (30.38%). The patients with FIGO stage I were the most common. The survival median for uterine sarcoma was 22 months (SD ± 4.471). Survival analysis by Kaplan-Meier showed statistically significant difference in the survival length compared to FIGO stage (p <0.001). |