Sažetak | Cilj: Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti navike i znanja roditelja o oralnom zdravlju djece te kliničkim pregledom utvrditi klinički status usne šupljine djece predškolske dobi.
Materijali i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno u Dječjem vrtiću „Trogir”. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 198 roditelja koji su ispunili anketni upitnik te 178 djece predškolske dobi koja su klinički pregledana. Klinički status utvrđen je KEP i SIC indeksom.
Rezultati: Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je 93,43% djece predškolske dobi posjetilo doktora dentalne medicine te da je 43,94% djece posjeduje Zubnu putovnicu. Prije upisa u vrtić 73,23% djece je posjetilo doktora dentalne medicine. Utvrđeno je da je 50,51% roditelja djetetu počelo četkati zube u prvoj godini života. Strah od doktora dentalne medicine ima 19,19% djece. Približno polovica roditelja imaju saznanja da dijete ima karijes dok njih 58,08% tvrdi da njihovoj djeci nije saniran karijes ili da nemaju karijes. Dentalnu traumu je doživjelo 6,57% djece. Pastu s dodatkom fluora ne koristi 34,34% djece. Slatkišima djecu svakodnevno hrani 54,04% roditelja, a zaslađene napitke konzumira 23,74% djece. Dobiveni rezultati navika roditelja o dnevnoj potrebi četkanja zubi djeteta pokazali su da je najveći broj roditelja (73,23%) odgovorio da se odvija dvaput dnevno. Znanje i spoznaje o oralnom zdravlju 52,53% roditelja steklo je od doktora dentalne medicine. Da se karijes može spriječiti smatra 85,35% roditelja, a 43,43% roditelja ne zna da zubna pasta s dodatkom fluora ima utjecaj na prevenciju karijesa. Da dojenje ne može uzrokovati karijes smatra 64,65% roditelja. Većina roditelja, njih 73,23% smatra da je zube potrebno četkati tri minute, a 22,22% roditelja smatra da je dovoljno dvije minute. Dok 89,39% roditelja smatra da se karijes na mliječnim zubima treba popraviti, njih 66,16% karijes ne smatra zaraznom bolesti. Predškolska djeca grada Trogira imaju prosječni kp indeks u vrijednosti 3,72 te SIC indeks 8,08. Trogodišnjaci imaju prosječni kp indeks 3,25, a SIC 8,0. Četverogodišnjaci imaju prosječni kp indeks 1,89, a SIC 5,17. Petogodišnjaci imaju prosječni kp indeks 3,98 dok SIC iznosi 8,27. Prosječni kp indeks šestogodišnjaka iznosi 4,15. SIC je približne vrijednosti kao kod petogodišnjaka 8,59. Sedmogodišnjaci imaju prosječni kp indeks 2,27. SIC je nešto niži nego kod šestogodišnjaka i iznosi 6,0.
Zaključak: Temeljem rezultata ovog istraživanja zaključeno je da navike i stavovi roditelja o oralnom zdravlju djece nisu zadovoljavajući, a kp indeks predškolske djece grada Trogira visok je i ne zadovoljava standarde EU. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the parents' oral health habits and knowledge and to determine the clinical status of the oral cavity of preschool children by clinical examination.
Materials and methods: The research was conducted in the Kindergarten "Trogir". The study involved 198 parents who completed a survey questionnaire and 178 preschool children who were clinically examined. Clinical status was determined by DMF and SIC index.
Results: The results of the study showed that 93.43% of preschool children visited a dental doctor and that 43.94% of children had a dental passport. Before enrollment in kindergarten, 73.23% of children visited a dental doctor. It was found that 50.51% of parents started brushing their teeth in the first year of life. 19.19% of children have a fear of having a dental doctor. About half of the parents are aware that the child has caries, while 58.08% claim that the children did not have caries or had no caries. Dental trauma was experienced by 6.57% of children. 34.34% of children do not use fluoride paste. 54.04% of parents feed on sweets every day, and 23.74% of children consume sweetened beverages. The obtained results of the parents' habits on the daily need for brushing their teeth showed that the largest number of parents (73.23%) answered that it takes place twice a day. Oral health knowledge and insights 52.53% of parents acquired dental medicine. 85.35% of parents consider that caries can be prevented, and 43.43% of parents do not know that fluoride-containing toothpaste has an effect on the prevention of caries. 64.65% of parents consider that breastfeeding cannot cause caries. Most parents, 73.23% think that teeth need brushing for three minutes, and 22.22% of parents think that two minutes is enough. While 89.39% of parents think that caries on dairy teeth needs to be repaired, 66.16% of caries do not consider it contagious. Preschool children in Trogir have an average dmf index of 3.72 and a SIC index of 8.08. Three-year-olds have an average dmf index of 3.25 and a SIC of 8.0. Four-year-olds have an average dmf index of 1.89 and SIC 5.17. Five-year-olds have an average dmf index of 3.98 while the SIC is 8.27. The average dmf index of a six-year-old is 4.15. The SIC is approximate to that of a 5-year-old 8.59. Seven-year-olds have an average dmf index of 2.27. The SIC is slightly lower than that of six-year-olds and stands at 6.0.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it is concluded that the parents' habits and attitudes about the oral health of children are not satisfactory, and the dmf index of pre-school children in the city of Trogir is high and does not meet EU standards. |