Title Stavovi i znanja studenata dentalne medicine o dentalnoj skrbi kardiovaskulanih pacijenata
Title (english) Attitudes and knowledge of dental students about dental care of cardiovascular patients
Author Nikolina Nazor
Mentor Ivana Medvedec Mikić (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Galić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Livia Cigić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Kalibović Govorko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Split School of Medicine (Endodoncy and restorative dentistry) Split
Defense date and country 2020, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Endodonics and Restorative Dentistry
Abstract Cilj: Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi kakvi su stavovi i znanja studenata dentalne medicine iz Ljubljane, Rijeke, Splita, Sarajeva i Zagreba o dentalnoj skrbi kardiovaskularnih pacijenata te postoji li potreba za uvođenjem dodatne edukacije na navedenu temu tijekom studija dentalne medicine.
Materijali i metode: U ovom je istraživanju sudjelovalo ukupno 103 ispitanika. Istraživanje je provedeno među studentima 5. i 6. godine studija dentalne medicine u Ljubljani, Rijeci, Splitu, Sarajevu i Zagrebu. Istraživanje je provedeno slanjem anonimnih online upitnika koji je sastavljen od 31 specifičnog pitanja. Nakon dobivenih odgovora provedena je statistička analiza podataka.
Rezultati: Studenti su učili na više različitih kolegija o dentalnoj skrbi kardiovaskularnih pacijenata, međutim samo 22 % studenta misli da ima dovoljno znanja za pružanje dentalne skrbi kardiovaskularnim pacijentima, a njih čak 60% se rijetko imalo priliku susresti s takvim pacijentima. 67% studenata misli kako ne postoji dovoljno usuglašena literatura na ovu temu. 93% studenta je svjesno visoke učestalosti kardiovaskularnih bolesti i njihovih ozbiljnih posljedica. Za 11 tvrdnji pokazana je statistički značajna razlika u znanju između fakulteta primjenom Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA testa i testa višestruke usporedbe .Najbolje znanje je pokazano na tvrdnjama o profilaksi infektivnog endokarditisa, između ostalog na tvrdnju: “Profilaksa antibiotikom je potrebna kod osoba koje su preboljele infektivni endokarditis (IE)”, svi studenti osim sarajevskog fakulteta su točno odgovorili a i 91,7% sarajevskih studenata je točno odgovorilo na navedenu tvrdnju. Što se tiče tvrdnje “Klindamicin se profilaktički daje u dozi od 600 mg, sat vremena prije dentalnog zahvata.” postotak točnih odgovora iznosio je 83%. Najveće razlike u znanju između fakulteta su se odnosile na tvrdnje o interakcijama lijekova. Na tvrdnju “Mikonazol (antimikotik) uzrokuje nepoželjnu reakciju s varfarinom povećavajući njegovu aktivnost.” 0% studenta iz Ljubljane je točno odgovorilo dok se svega 16,7% studenata iz Sarajeva se složilo s tvrdnjom. Rijeka i Split su imali visok postotak točnih odgovora. Nizak postotak točnih odgovora na svim fakultetima karakterističan je i za tvrdnju “Upotreba adrenalinom impregniranog retrakcijskog konca za gingivu može izazvati promjene krvnog tlaka.” Na tu tvrdnju samo je 47% studenata odgovorilo da se slaže ili da se u potpunosti slaže.
Zaključak: Bez obzira što je većina ispitanika dobila određenu naobrazbu o kardiovaskularnim bolestima i mogućim interakcijama te nuspojavama, osim u nekoliko pitanja studenti su uglavnom pokazali ispodprosječan stupanj znanja kod svih pet fakulteta. U skladu s rezultatima istraživanja potrebna je dodatna edukacija i više kliničke prakse tijekom studija.
Abstract (english) Objective: The main objective of this study was to determine the attitudes and knowledge of dental students from Ljubljana, Rijeka, Split, Sarajevo and Zagreb on dental care for cardiovascular patients and whether there is a need to introduce additional education on this topic during dental studies.
Materials and methods: A total of 103 subjects participated in this study. The research was conducted among students in the 5th and 6th year of dental medicine in Ljubljana, Rijeka, Split, Sarajevo and Zagreb. The research was conducted by sending anonymous online questionnaires consisting of 31 specific questions. After the answers were obtained, a statistical analysis of the data was performed.
Results: Students studied in several different courses on dental care for cardiovascular patients, but only 22% of students think they have enough knowledge to provide dental care to cardiovascular patients, and 60% of them rarely had the opportunity to work with such patients. 67% of students think that there is not enough agreed literature on this topic. 93% of students are aware of the high incidence of cardiovascular diseases and their serious consequences. For 11 claims, a statistically significant difference in knowledge was demonstrated between faculties using the Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA test and the multiple comparison test. The best knowledge is shown in the claims about the prophylaxis of infective endocarditis, among other things in the statement: “Antibiotic prophylaxis is needed in people who have had infectious endocarditis (IE)“, all students except the Sarajevo Faculty answered correctly and 91.7% of Sarajevo students answered the statement correctly. As for the claim, "Clindamycin is given prophylactically at a dose of 600 mg, one hour before the dental procedure." the percentage of correct answers was 83%. The biggest differences in knowledge between faculties related to claims about drug interactions. To the claim "Miconazole (an antifungal) causes an undesirable reaction with warfarin by increasing its activity." 0% of students from Ljubljana answered correctly, while only 16.7% of students from Sarajevo agreed with the statement. Rijeka and Split had a high percentage of correct answers. The low percentage of correct answers in all faculties is also characteristic of the statement "The use of adrenaline-impregnated retraction suture for the gingiva can cause changes in blood pressure." To this statement, only 47% of students answered that they agree or that they completely agree.
Conclusion: Despite the fact that most of the students received some education about cardiovascular diseases and possible interactions and side effects, except for a few questions, students generally showed a below-average level of knowledge in all five faculties. According to the results of the research, additional education and more clinical practice during the studies are needed.
Dentalna skrb za kronične bolesnike
Kardiovaskularne bolesti
Interakcije lijekova
Znanje o zdravlju
Studenti dentalne medicine
Keywords (english)
Dental Care for Chronically Ill
Cardiovascular Diseases
Drug Interactions
Health Knowledge Attitudes Practice
Students Dental
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:020489
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-12-02 14:12:35