Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja je upoznati stavove i mišljenja opće populacije o uvođenju dodatnih ljekarničkih usluga u ljekarnama u Republici Hrvatskoj kao i spremnost ispitanika da sudjeluju u financiranju takvih usluga vlastitim sredstvima. Ispitanici i postupci: Podatci su prikupljeni putem online obrasca Google Forms. Upitnik ima dva dijela. U prvom dijelu opisano je trinaest dodatnih ljekarničkih usluga trenutno nedostupnih u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ispod opisa svake usluge nalazi se 5 tvrdnji, a ispitanik odabiranjem broja od jedan do pet izražava koliko se slaže s navedenim tvrdnjama. Drugi dio upitnika služi za prikupljanje sociodemografskih podataka ispitanika kao što su spol, dobna skupina kojoj pripadaju, mjesečna primanja kućanstva, najviši postignuti stupanj obrazovanja, boluju li od kroničnih bolesti i dr. Provedena je deskriptivna statistička obrada podataka. Za obradu statističke značajnosti određenih kategorijskih varijabli korišten je Hi-kvadrat test. Razina statističke značajnosti postavljena je na P < 0,05. Rezultati istraživanja prikazani su cijelim brojevima te postotcima. Rezultati: U provedenom istraživanju sudjelovala su ukupno 433 ispitanika. Većinski udio činili su ispitanici ženskog spola tj. njih 272 (62,8%), dok je ispitanika muškog spola bilo 161 (37,2%). Usluge za čije uvođenje najveći broj ispitanika smatra da bi bilo korisno su objašnjavanje pravilne inhalacijske tehnike kod oboljelih od astme (91,9%), određivanje razine glukoze u krvi (90,6%), mjerenje arterijskog tlaka (89,4%) te konzultacije trudnica o sigurnoj primjeni lijekova i dodataka prehrani tijekom trudnoće (87,3%). Usluge s čijim uvođenjem se slaže najmanje ispitanika su naručivanje i interpretacija nalaza od strane ljekarnika (77,6%), promjena doze lijeka (79,5%), promjena samog lijeka (79,5%) te davanje lijeka u obliku injekcije od strane ljekarnika (79,7%). Rezultati također pokazuju kako je većina ispitanika spremna sudjelovati u financiranju dodatnih usluga u ljekarnama. Osobe koje u obitelji imaju zdravstvenog radnika su puno bolje upoznate s funkcionalnostima sustava zdravlje.hr. Također je vidljivo kako osobe koje boluju od kroničnih bolesti prilikom odlaska u ljekarnu imaju naviku posjećivati uvijek istu ljekarnu. Zaključak: Većina ispitanika smatra da bi uvođenje dodatnih ljekarničkih usluga obuhvaćenih upitnikom bilo korisno te su spremni platiti za navedene usluge u iznosu od šest do petnaest eura. Većina ispitanika smatra da navedene usluge može samostalno provoditi dodatno educirani ljekarnik te da navedene usluge trebaju bit pokrivene od strane HZZO-a. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: The aim of this research is to understand the attitudes and opinions of the general population regarding the introduction of additional pharmacy services in pharmacies in the Republic of Croatia, as well as the respondents' willingness to participate in funding such services with their own resources. Subjects and methods: Data were collected using an online Google Forms survey. The questionnaire is divided into two parts. The first part describes thirteen additional pharmacy services currently unavailable in the Republic of Croatia. Below each service description are five statements, and respondents indicate their level of agreement by selecting a number from one to five. The second part of the questionnaire collects sociodemographic data from respondents, such as gender, age group, household monthly income, highest level of education attained, and whether they suffer from chronic diseases. Descriptive statistical analysis of the data was performed. The Chi-square test was used to determine the statistical significance of certain categorical variables. The level of statistical significance was set at P < 0.05. The study results are presented as whole numbers or percentages. Results: A total of 433 respondents participated in the study. The majority were female respondents, totalling 272 (62.8%), while 161 (37.2%) were male. The services that respondents believe would be the most useful include explaining the correct inhalation technique for asthma patients (91.9%), determining blood glucose levels (90.6%), measuring blood pressure (89,4%) and consulting pregnant women about the safe use of medications and dietary supplements during pregnancy (87.3%). The services with the lowest agreement for introduction are scheduling of laboratory tests and result interpretation by pharmacists (77.6%), changing medication dosage (79.5%), changing the medication itself (79.5%), and administering injections by pharmacists (79.7%). The results also indicate that most respondents are willing to participate in funding of additional services in pharmacies. Respondents with a family member who is a healthcare worker are significantly more aware that they can grant their pharmacist access to their e-health records through the zdravlje.hr portal (e-Citizens). It is also evident that individuals with chronic illnesses tend to visit the same pharmacy consistently. Conclusion: Most respondents believe that introducing the additional pharmacy services covered by the survey would be beneficial and they are willing to pay for these services between 6 and 15 euros. The majority also thinks that these services could be performed by specially trained pharmacists and that these services should be covered by the Croatian Health Insurance Fund (HZZO). |