Abstract | Cilj istraživanja: Procijeniti pouzdanost dvodimenzionalne shear wave elastografije u stvarnom vremenu (RT 2D SWE) kod bolesnika s cirozom jetre u usporedbi s laboratorijskim nalazima.
Ispitanici i metode: Provedeno je retrospektivno istraživanje u kojem je uključeno 30 bolesnika, 24 muškarca i 6 žena, koji su zbog dijagnoze ciroze jetre upućeni na mjerenje dvodimenzionalne shear wave elastografije u stvarnom vremenu na Zavod za gastroenterologiju, Klinike za unutarnje bolesti Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split, Firule. Tvrdoće jetre mjerene su metodom RT 2D SWE koristeći uređaj Aplio 500 ultrasound system (Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation, Tochigi, Japan), bolesnicima s dokazanom cirozom jetre različite etiologije u kompenziranom i dekompenziranom stanju. Prikupljeni su laboratorijski nalazi svih bolesnika. Nalazi elastografije su kategorizirani u METAVIR skupine po težini oštećenja jetre. Mjerenja su potom uspoređena s kliničkim ALBI, MELD i Child-Pugh zbirovima za procjenu uznapredovalosti jetrene bolesti.
Rezultati: Nije utvrđen statistički značajan odnos METAVIR skupina s ALBI zbirom (rho=0,136, p=0,491; T=7,801, p=0,253). Također nije utvrđen značajan odnos METAVIR skupina s MELD zbirom (rho=0,219, p=0,253; T=40,656, p=0,530). Nije utvrđen ni značajan odnos METAVIR skupina s Child-Pugh zbirom (rho=0,150, p=0,455; T=7,237, p=0,299). Utvrđena je negativna korelacija METAVIR skupina i broja trombocita (rho=-0,570, p=0,001; T=-0,593, p=0,001).
Zaključak: Na temelju rezultata ovog istraživanja može se zaključiti da je preporučljivo koristiti laboratorijske pretrage zajedno s ultrazvučnom elastografijom za preciznu procjenu uznapredovalosti jetrene bolesti te je svakako potrebno u daljnjim istraživanjima uključiti veći broj bolesnika i izbjeći nedostatke koje smo primijetili u našem istraživanju. |
Abstract (english) | Objectives: To assess the reliability of real-time two-dimensional shear wave elastography (RT 2D SWE) in patients with liver cirrhosis and compare it tostandard laboratory tests.
Study design: Retrospective observational study.
Patients and methods: Total of 30 patients were retrospectively enroled in this study, 24 males and 6 females. All of these patients were reffered to University hospital of Split for RT 2D SWE measurement due to liver cirrhosis of different ethiology. Liver stiffnes was measured by RT 2D SWE method using Aplio 500 ultrasound system (Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation, Tochigi, Japan) on patients with confirmed liver cirrhosis of different ethiologies in compensated and decompensated state. Laboratory tests results of all patients were also gathered. Elastography results were cathegorized by METAVIR staging for liver fibrosis. Said results were compared to ALBI, MELD and Child-Pugh scores for liver cirrhosis staging.
Results: There was no correlation between METAVIR stages and ALBI score stages (rho=0.136, p=0.491; T=7.801, p=0.253). No correlation was found between METAVIR stages and MELD score (rho=0.219, p= 0.253; T=40.656, p=0.530). No correlation was found between METAVIR stages and Child-Pugh score stages (rho=0.150, p=0.455; T=7.237, p=0.299). Negative correlation was found between METAVIR score stages and blood platelet count (rho=0.570, p=0.001; T=-0.593, p=0.001).
Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that it is advisable to use standard laboratory tests along with RT 2D SWE for diagnostics and precise assessment of liver chirrosis stage. Further clinical studies with greater number of patients included should be conducted to assess the reliability of this method and to avoid shortcomings noted in our study. |