Sažetak | Cilj: Istražiti povezanost antropometrijskih i demografskih obilježja žena sa stupnjem opstrukcijske apneje tijekom spavanja, nakon cjelonoćne polisomnografije.
Materijali i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 205 ispitanica kojima je načinjena cjelonoćna polisomnografija u Centru za medicinu spavanja Split. Ispitivanu skupinu činile su pacijentice starije od 18 godine kojima je dijagnosticirana opstrukcijska apneja tijekom spavanja (AHI>5) koje su bile podijeljene u dvije skupine, mlađe od 55 godina (N=60, 30%), i starije od 55 godina (N=145, 70%). Ispitanice su subjektivno procijenile prekomjernu dnevnu pospanosti s pomoću Epworthove ljestvice pospanosti.
Rezultati: Žene starije životne dobi bile su značajno manje pospane od žena mlađe životne dobi (6,6±4,9 vs. 8,2±5,6, P=0,049). Također, značajno je veća bila učestalost arterijske hipertenzije u starijoj skupini ispitanica u odnosu na mlađu (61% vs. 39%, P=0,007). Ujedno, žene koje su oboljele od težeg stupnja OSA bile su starije (61,7±9,0 vs. 54,8±11,6 godine, P <0,001), imale su veću masu (89,0±22,2 vs. 77,0±13,8 kg, P<0,001), veći ITM (32,1±7,4 vs. 28,8±11,7 kg/m², P=0,015) veći opseg vrata (38,6±4,0 vs. 35,7±2,9, P<0,001) i veći opseg struka (106,9±16,5 vs. 94,2±14,0, P<0,001) u odnosu na ispitanice s blagim ili umjerenim stupnjem OSA. Nadalje, u žena oboljelih od težeg stupnja OSA bila je veća učestalost arterijske hipertenzije (66% vs. 39%, P<0,001) i šećerne bolesti tipa 2 (17% vs. 5%, P=0,014) u odnosu na ispitanice oboljele od blagog ili umjerenog stupnja OSA.
Zaključak: Žene koje su oboljele od težeg stupnja OSA bile su značajno starije, imale su veću tjelesnu masu, veći indeks tjelesne mase, veći opseg vrata i veći opseg struka u odnosu na žene s blagom do umjerenom OSA što ukazuje na važnost antropometrijskih čimbenika na stupanj OSA u žena. Isto tako žene starije životne dobi bile su manje pospane od žena mlađe životne dobi. Premda se OSA više povezuje uz muški spol što se smatra jednim od čimbenika rizika za OSA, rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da i žene obolijevaju od OSA poglavito žene starije životne dobi zbog čega se u probiru i ranom prepoznavanju OSA ne smije zanemariti ženski spol. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objectives: This study aimed to establish the connection between the anthropometric and demographic characteristics of women with the severity of obstructive sleep apnea combined with the findings of the whole night polysomnography.
Materials and methods: The study involved 205 subjects who performed full-length polysomnography at the Sleep Medicine Center Split. Patients diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (AHI>5), who were older than 18 years, were recruited in study group, who were divided into two groups, one group were women younger than 55 years (N=60, 30%), and the other group were women older than 55 years (N=145, 70%). Subjects subjectively assessed excessive daytime sleepiness using the Epworth sleepiness scale.
Results: Older women had significantly less excessive daytime sleepiness than younger women (6.6±4.9 vs 8.2±5.6, P=0.049). Also, the frequency of arterial hypertension was significantly higher in the older group of subjects compared to the younger group of subjects (61% vs 39%, P=0.007). Women who suffered from the severe stage of OSA were older (61.7±9.0 vs 54.8±11.6 years, P<0.001), had a higher mass (89.0±22.2 vs 77.0±13.8 kg, P<0.001), higher BMI (32.1±7.4 vs 28.8±11.7 kg/m², P=0.015), higher neck circumference (38.6± 4.0 vs 35.7±2.9, P<0.001) and greater waist circumference (106.9±16.5 vs 94.2±14.0, P<0.001) compared to subjects suffered from the mild or moderate OSA. Furthermore, in women suffering from a severe stage of OSA, there was a higher frequency of arterial hypertension (66% vs 39%, P<0.001) and type 2 diabetes (17% vs 5%, P=0.014) compared to subjects suffering from the mild or moderate OSA.
Conclusion: Women who suffered from severe OSA were significantly older, had higher body mass, higher body mass index, and higher neck circumference and waist circumference compared to women with mild or moderate OSA, which indicates the importance of anthropometric factors on the stage of OSA in the woman. Likewise, older women had less excessive daytime sleepiness than younger women. Although OSA is more associated with the male gender, which is considered one of the risk factors for OSA, the current study results indicate that women also suffer from OSA. In addition, the female gender should not be neglected in the screening and early recognition of OSA. |