Sažetak | CILJEVI: Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi prevalenciju MetS kod bolesnika s PsA te istražiti potencijalne komorbiditete povezane s MetS.
ISPITANICI I POSTUPCI: Retrospektivno opažajno istraživanje bilo je provedeno na 182 ispitanika s PsA koji su liječeni na Zavodu za reumatologiju i kliničku imunologiju KBC-a Split od 1. lipnja do 1. rujna 2022. godine. Kao izvor podataka korišteni su podaci stacionara, poliklinike i dnevne bolnice Zavoda. Anamnestički podaci uneseni su u Microsoft Excel tablicu, a program STATISTICA 12 korišten je za statističku obradu podataka.
REZULTATI: Od ukupno 182 ispitanika žena je bilo 63,74% (N=116), a muškaraca 36,26% (N=66), s omjerom žena prema muškarcima 1,76:1. Medijan životne dobi bio je 56,0 godina (49,0-66,0). Primjenom JIS kriterija za MetS, pri čemu je umjesto opsega struka kao mjera pretilosti uzet u obzir ITM ≥30 kg/m2, prevalencija MetS iznosila je 45,05% (N=82). Prevalencija MetS po spolu iznosila je 56,06% (N=37) u muškaraca i 38,79% (N=45) u žena.
Od pojedinačnih sastavnica MetS, najučestaliji je bio povišen krvni tlak ili korištenje antihipertenziva s prevalencijom 68,13% (N=124), zatim povišena koncentracija glukoze ili korištenje antidijabetika 49,45% (N=90), ITM ≥30 kg/m2 33,0% (N=60), povišena koncentracija triglicerida ili korištenje lijekova za hipertrigliceridemiju 30,22% (N=55), dok je učestalost snižene koncentracije HDL-a ili korištenje lijekova za sniženu koncentraciju HDL-a bila najmanje zastupljena te je iznosila 18,68% (N=34). Sve sastavnice MetS bile su češće u muškaraca, osim snižene koncentracije HDL-a ili korištenja lijekova za sniženu koncentraciju
HDL-a. Gledajući komorbiditete, dijabetes je imalo 15,93% (N=29), hipertenziju 59,89%
(N=109), a dislipidemiju 78,57% ispitanika (N=143). Normalnu tjelesnu masu imalo je 28,57% (N=52) ispitanika, 38,46% (N=70) prekomjernu tjelesnu masu, a 32,97% (N=60) ispitanika bilo je pretilo.
ZAKLJUČCI: Istraživanje je pokazalo da je prevalencija MetS u bolesnika s PsA iznosila 45,05% te je veća nego prevalencija MetS u općoj populaciji. Potvrđeno je da je prevalencija hipertenzije, pretilosti i dijabetesa veća kod bolesnika s PsA u usporedbi s općom populacijom, dok je prevalencija dislipidemije bila manja nego u općoj populaciji. Potrebno je provesti dodatna istraživanja na većem uzorku bolesnika s PsA kako bi se ispitao dugoročni utjecaj prisutnosti MetS i komorbiditeta u bolesnika s PsA. |
Sažetak (engleski) | OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence of MetS in patients with PsA and to examine potential comorbidities associated with MetS.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A retrospective descriptive study was conducted on 182 subjects with PsA who were treated at the Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology of the University Hospital of Split from June 1 until September 1, 2022. Medical data from inpatients, polyclinics and daily hospitals of the Department were used as a data source. Anamnesis data were entered into a Microsoft Excel table and the STATISTICA 12 program was used for statistical data processing.
RESULTS: Out of total 182 subjects, 63.74% (N=116) were women and 36.26% (N=66) were men, with a ratio of women to men of 1.76:1. The median age was 56.0 years (49.0-
66.0). Applying the JIS criteria for MetS, where BMI ≥30 kg/m2 was considered instead of waist circumference as a measure of obesity, the prevalence of MetS was 45.05% (N=82). The prevalence of MetS by gender was 56.06% (N=37) in men and 38.79% (N=45) in women. Of the individual components of MetS, the most common was elevated blood pressure or the use of antihypertensive drugs with a prevalence of 68.13% (N=124), then elevated glucose concentration or the use of antidiabetic drugs 49.45% (N=90), BMI ≥30 kg/m2 33.0% (N=60), elevated triglyceride concentration or use of drugs for hypertriglyceridemia 30.22% (N=55), while the frequency of lowered HDL concentration or the use of drugs for lowered HDL concentration was the least prevalent and amounted to 18.68% (N=34). All components of MetS were more common in men, except for lowered HDL concentration or the use of drugs for lowered HDL concentration. Looking at comorbidities, 15.93% (N=29) had diabetes, 59.89% (N=109) had hypertension and 78.57% had dyslipidemia (N=143). Out of all subjects, 28.57% (N=52) had normal body weight,
38.46% (N=70) had excessive body weight and 32.97% (N=60) of subjects were obese.
CONCLUSION: The research showed that the prevalence of MetS in patients with PsA was 45.05%, which is higher than the prevalence of MetS in the general population. It was confirmed that the prevalence of hypertension, obesity and diabetes was higher in patients with PsA compared to the general population, while the prevalence of dyslipidemia was lower than in the general population. Additional studies on a larger sample of patients with PsA should be conducted in order to examine the long-term impact of the presence of MetS and comorbidities in patients with PsA. |