
GC-MS analiza hlapljivih spojeva odabranih vrsta roda Veronica
GC-MS analiza hlapljivih spojeva odabranih vrsta roda Veronica
Ivana Katavić
Eterična ulja su smjese hlapljivih, lipofilnih tvari izoliranih iz cijelih biljaka ili njihovih dijelova. Lako su pokretljive tekućine koje lome svjetlo, bezbojne su ili svijetložute boje i najčešće su intenzivnog mirisa koji ovisi o kemijskom sastavu ulja. Koriste se zbog antibakterijskog, antivirusnog, antimikotičkog, antiparazitskog, spazmolitičkog, protuupalnog i antikancerogenog djelovanja, pogotovo u farmaceutskoj, kozmetičkoj, poljoprivrednoj i prehrambenoj industriji. ...
GLUT-9 expression in human term placentas of diet regulated gestational diabetes mellitus pregnancies
GLUT-9 expression in human term placentas of diet regulated gestational diabetes mellitus pregnancies
Sana Simicevic
Objectives: To investigate GLUT-9 immunohistochemical expression in decidual cells (DC), extravillous trophoblast (EVTB), villous trophoblast (VTB) and vasculosyntitial membranes (VSM) in placentas from pregnancies complicated with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and to compare the results with placnetas from normal pregnancies. Secondary outcome was to determine neonatal birth weight and placental weight in both study groups and to compare the results. Materials and methods: The study...
Ivan Velat
CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Prikazati učestalost bolesnika koji su hospitalizirani zbog prvougradnje trajnog srčanoga elektrostimulatora po mjesecima. USTROJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Provedeno je retrospektivno kohortno istraživanju za razdoblje od 2001. do 2010. god, a sudionici su bili sve osobe koje su u navedenom razdoblju prvi put ugradili trajni srčani elektrostimulator. MJESTO ISTRAŽIVANJA: Istraživanje je provedeno na Odjelu za bolesti srca i krvnih žila KBC-a Split, lokalitet Križine...
Gastrointestinalne manifestacije bolesnika sa sustavnom sklerozom
Gastrointestinalne manifestacije bolesnika sa sustavnom sklerozom
Antonia Knežević
Uvod: Zahvaćenost gastrointestinalnog sustava je ozbiljna komplikacija difuzne sustavne skleroze (dSSc). Cilj: Svrha ove studije je bila odrediti incidenciju gastrointestinalnih manifestacija u dSSc i njihovu povezanost sa drugim organskim sustavima, te s aktivnošću i težinom kliničke slike. Metode: Trideset i tri dSSc bolesnika su bila uključena u ovo ispitivanje, od kojih je 23 imalo zahvaćen gastrointestinalni sustav, a 10 nisu imali zahvaćen gastrointestinalni sustav na temelju...
Gastrointestinalni stromalni tumori u KBC Split – trogodišnja retrospektivna studija
Gastrointestinalni stromalni tumori u KBC Split – trogodišnja retrospektivna studija
Matea Lovrić
Cilj istraživanja: Osnovni ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su istražiti incidenciju gastrointestinalnih stromalnih tumora (GIST) dijagnosticiranih u KBC Split u razdoblju od 2021. godine do 2023. godine, te evaluirati sve dostupne kliničko-patološke parametre. Ispitanici i postupci: U istraživanje je uključeno 50 pacijenta kojima je u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2021. godine do 31. prosinca 2023. godine u Zavodu za patologiju, citologiju i sudsku medicinu KBC-a Split postavljena...
Gender differences regarding the complications in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation ablation
Gender differences regarding the complications in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation ablation
Josephina Deickert
BACKGROUND Atrial fibrillation (AF) is defined as a rapid, irregular heart rate, which makes it impossible for the heart to pump the blood adequately in the arteries. In women, AF is associated with more severe symptoms and worse prognosis. Catheter ablation is often described as the cure of AF, compared with antiarrhythmic therapy, which is just controlling the AF. OBJECTIVE We sought to assess sex-related differences in complications after catheter ablation in elderly patients with atrial...
Gene expression analysis of autophagy genes in polycythemia vera patients
Gene expression analysis of autophagy genes in polycythemia vera patients
Nicolai Frederik Smetana
Objectives: There is an increasing interest in the correlation between autophagy/mitophagy processes in myeloproliferative neoplasms like polycythemia vera. Especially the Department of Immunology and Medical Genetics at the University of Split, School of Medicine conducts intensive research in this field. The aim of the study was to analyze the expression of autophagy/mitophagy related genes in PV patients in order to find out, if a difference is observable compared to a control group....
Gene expression pattern of Creld2 in the fetal and postnatal kidneys of Dab1-/- mice
Gene expression pattern of Creld2 in the fetal and postnatal kidneys of Dab1-/- mice
Nikolina Đurđević
Objectives: The expression and localization of Creld2 in the nephrons of yotari (Dab1-/-) and wildtype (Dab1+/+) mice was analyzed to further develop its suggested importance in mammal kidneys overall, and its significance particularly in yotari mice nephrons. Materials and methods: Yotari and wildtype mice were sacrificed on the 13.5th embryonal day, and the 4th and 14th postnatal day. Paraffin embedded kidney tissue sections were analyzed by immunofluorescence using Creld2 antibodies....
Gene expression pattern of Greb1l in the fetal and postnatal kidneys of Dab1-/- mice
Gene expression pattern of Greb1l in the fetal and postnatal kidneys of Dab1-/- mice
Andrea Balić
Objectives: The expression and localization of Greb1l in the nephrons of yotari (Dab1-/-) and wildtype (Dab1+/+) mice was analyzed to further develop its suggested importance in mammal kidneys overall, but also its significance particularly in yotari mice nephrons. Materials and methods: yotari and wildtype mice were sacrificed on the 13.5th embryonal day, and 4th and 14th postnatal day. Paraffin embedded kidney tissue sections were analyzed by immunofluorescence using Greb1l antibodies....
General population attitudes and knowledge of Hashimoto’s disease
General population attitudes and knowledge of Hashimoto’s disease
Brittany Marie Pergjini
Objectives: The aim of this research was to investigate general population attitudes and knowledge regarding Hashimoto disease, particularly the association between diet or dietary supplements with thyroid health. Materials and Methods: The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Split, School of Medicine, and conducted in June 2024. Data collection utilized an online survey distributed via social media to 448 participants from Croatia. Participants provided...
Genetska podloga nastanka meningitisa
Genetska podloga nastanka meningitisa
Dragica Sučić
Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja je ispitati ulogu genetske podloge ljudi koja ih čini sklonima nastanku meningitisa, na temelju podatka iz povijesti bolesti o bolničkom liječenju meningitisa te rezultata određivanja njihovih genotipova. Materijali i metode: Korišteni su podatci iz projekta 10.001 Dalmatinac, i to s otoka Visa, otoka Korčule i grada Splita. Ukupno je u istraživanje bilo uključeno 3.007 ispitanika, od kojih je za njih 26 postojao podatak o bolničkom...
Glaukom kao javnozdravstveni problem
Glaukom kao javnozdravstveni problem
Bruno Markioli
CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Ispitati razinu zastupljenosti glaukoma na području Splitsko-dalmatinske županije te obratiti pozornost šire medicinske javnosti na spomenuti problem. ISPITANICI I METODE: U radu su se retrospektivno analizirali podaci iz kliničke administracije Klinike za očne bolesti KBC Split o bolničkom pobolu glaukoma i broju obrađenih glaukomskih bolesnika u specijalističko-konzilijarnoj djelatnosti na području SDŽ-e u razdoblju od 2012. do 2016. godine. U obradi...
