Naslov Znanje i stavovi studenata dentalne medicine Medicinskoga fakulteta u Splitu o primjeni metode PRGF-a u svakodnevnoj praksi
Naslov (engleski) Knowledge and attitudes of dental medicine students of the University of Split School of Medicine on the application of the PRGF method in everyday practice
Autor Ana Istenić
Mentor Tina Poklepović Peričić (mentor)
Član povjerenstva Antonija Tadin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Lidia Gavić (član povjerenstva)
Član povjerenstva Joško Božić (član povjerenstva)
Ustanova koja je dodijelila akademski / stručni stupanj Sveučilište u Splitu Medicinski fakultet (Protetika dentalne medicine) Split
Datum i država obrane 2021, Hrvatska
Znanstveno / umjetničko područje, polje i grana BIOMEDICINA I ZDRAVSTVO Dentalna medicina Protetika dentalne medicine
Sažetak Cilj istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti znanje i stavove studenata
Studija dentalne medicine Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu o primjeni
metode PRGF-a u svakodnevnoj praksi.
Metode: U ovom istraživanju sudjelovalo je 80 studenata Studija dentalne medicine Medicinskoga fakulteta u Splitu, 41 student pete godine studija i 29 studenata šeste godine Studija. Istraživanje je provedeno korištenjem upitnika izrađenog i dijeljenog putem Googleovog obrasca. Upitnik se sastojao od dva dijela. Prvi dio upitnika sadržavao je pitanja o godini studija koju student pohađa, učestalost pohađanja kongresa o primjeni PRGF metode, te pitanja u vezi zastupljenosti ove teme tijekom nastave, kao i učestalost prisustva na zahvatu na kojem se primjenjivala PRGF metoda. U drugom dijelu upitnika procjenjivalo se znanje studenata o primjeni PRGF metode i njezinom učinku i to s pomoću linearnog mjerila s vrijednostima od 1 do 5 (tzv. Likertova skala) U analizi podataka korištena je deskriptivna statistika. S ciljem
istraživanja potencijalnih razlika u odgovorima između dviju studijskih godina korišten je Mann-Whitney U Test. Za istraživanje potencijalnog utjecaja prediktorskih varijabli korištena je višestruka regresijska analiza i generalni regresijski model čiji su rezultati prikazani u formi Pareto dijagrama t-vrijednosti.
Rezultati: Značajno veći broj studenata pete godine (78%) nazočio je kongresima ili webinarima s temom PRGF-a u odnosu na studente 6. godine (7%). Isto tako, veći broj studenata pete godine (61%) prati literaturu PRGF-u u odnosu na studente šeste godine (45%). 90% studenata pete i 72% studenata šeste godine bili su upoznati s PRGF-om tijekom studija, i to najčešće u sklopu kolegija Oralne kirurgije i Parodontologije. Podjednak broj studenata s pete (51%) i šeste godine (48%) za vrijeme studija je prisustvovalo zahvatu tijekom kojega se koristila PRGF metoda, a gotovo svi studenti bi voljeli u svom budućem radu koristiti PRGF metodu. Studenti obje godine studija smatraju da u parodontologiji, oralnoj kirurgiji, dermatologiji i maksilofacijalnoj kirurgiji tehnologija PRGF-a ima posebnu korist. U slučaju pitanja “Dolazi li primjenom PRGF metode do izostanka infekcije?” studenti obje studijske godine su pokazali loš nivo znanja, gdje je 22% studenata pete, a 21% studenata šeste godine odgovorilo točno. Vrlo loši rezultati dobiveni su i u slučaju pitanja “Stimulira li PRGF tehnologija angiogenezu?” gdje je samo 17% studenata pete i 10% studenata šeste godine odgovorilo točno. Loši rezultati su bili i na pitanju “Stimulira li PRGF tehnologija kemotaksiju?”, gdje je točno odgovorilo 39% ispitanika pete godine i svega 24% ispitanika šeste godine. Obje studijske godine, odnosno 83% studenata pete i 76% studenata šeste godine, smatra da su djelomično upoznati s postupkom rada PRGF metode (samo s osnovnim elementima). Međutim, svega 17% studenata pete godine, a samo 7% studenata šeste godine je u potpunosti upoznato s postupkom rada PRGF metode. Na pitanje “Smatrate li da bi tema PRGF-a trebala biti više uključena u nastavu našeg fakulteta?” sveukupno 99% studenata s obje studijske godine odgovorilo je potvrdno. Također, isti toliki postotak studenata želi dodatne edukacije o ovoj metodi.
Zaključak: Većina studenata Studija dentalne medicine na Medicinskom fakultetu u Splitu ima samo osnovna znanja o primjeni PRGF metode, a jako malo studenata je u potpunosti upoznato s postupkom rada PRGF metode. S obzirom na to da su studenti pete godine sudjelovali na kongresima i imali dodatne edukacije s temom o PRGF metodi, njihovo je znanje bolje. Svi studenti voljni su znati više o primjeni PRGF metode, što potvrđuje da postoji potreba za uvođenjem dodatnih edukacija na navedenu temu u nastavu studija dentalne medicine.
Sažetak (engleski) Objectives: Main goal of this research was to assess knowledge and attitudes of students from the Study of Dental Medicine Medicine, University of Split School of Medicine on the use of the PRGF method in everyday practice.
Materials and methods: Fifth and sixth year students participated in this research. The research was conducted using a questionnaire created and shared via a Google form. The questionnaire consisted of two parts. The first part of the questionnaire contained questions about the year of study that the student attends, the frequency of attending the congress on the application of the PRGF method, and questions about the representation of this topic during classes, as well as the frequency of attendance at the PRGF method. In the second part of the questionnaire, students' knowledge of the application of the PRGF method and its effect was assessed using a linear scale with values from 1 to 5 (Likert scale). Descriptive statistics were used in the data analysis. The Mann-Whitney U Test was used to investigate potential differences in responses between the two student years. To investigate the potential influence of predictor variables, multiple regression analysis and a general regression model were used, the results of which are presented in the form of Pareto t-value diagrams.
Results: Overall 80 students took part in this survey, of which 41 were fifth-year and 29 were sixth-year students. A significantly higher number of fifth-year students (78%) attended congresses or webinars on the topic of PRGF compared to sixth-year students (7%). Likewise, a higher number of fifth-year students (61%) follow the literature at PRGF compared to sixth-year students (45%). 90% of fifth-year students and 72% of sixth-year students were introduced to PRGF during their studies, most often as part of the Oral Surgery and Periodontology courses. An equal number of students from the fifth (51%) and sixth year (48%) during the study attended a procedure during which the PRGF method was used, and almost all students would like to use the PRGF method in their future work. Students in both years of study believe that PRGF technology has a special benefit in periodontology, oral surgery, dermatology, and maxillofacial surgery. In case of the question "Does the application of the PRGF method lead to the absence of infection?" students of both academic years showed a poor level of knowledge, where 22% of fifth-year students and 21% of sixth- year students answered correctly. Very poor results were also obtained in the case of the question "Does PRGF technology stimulate angiogenesis?" where only 17% of fifth-year students and 10% of sixth-year students answered correctly. Poor results were also on the question "Does PRGF technology stimulate chemotaxis?", where 39% of respondents in the fifth year and only 24% of respondents in the sixth year answered correctly. Both academic years, 83% of fifth-year students and 76% of sixth- year students, believe that they are partially familiar with the procedure of the PRGF method (only with the basic elements). However, only 17% of fifth-year students and only 7% of sixth-year students are fully familiar with the procedure of the PRGF method. To the question "Do you think that the topic of PRGF should be more involved in the teaching of our faculty?" a total of 99% of students from both academic years answered in the affirmative. Also, the same percentage of students want additional education about this method.
Conclusions: Most students of Dental Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Split have only basic knowledge about the application of the PRGF method, and very few students are fully familiar with the procedure of the PRGF method. Given that fifth- year students participated in congresses and had additional practices on the topic of the PRGF method, their knowledge is better. All students are willing to know more about the application of the PRGF method, which confirms that there is a need to introduce additional education on this topic in the teaching of future dental medicine doctors.
Ključne riječi
Parodontološka vođena regeneracija tkiva
Plazma bogata trombocitima
Znanje o zdravlju
Studenti dentalne medicine
Ključne riječi (engleski)
Guided Tissue Regeneration Periodontal
Platelet-Rich Plasma
Health Knowledge Attitudes Practice
Students Dental
Jezik hrvatski
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:171:875116
Studijski program Naziv: Dentalna medicina Vrsta studija: sveučilišni Stupanj studija: integrirani preddiplomski i diplomski Akademski / stručni naziv: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (dr. med. dent.)
Vrsta resursa Tekst
Način izrade datoteke Izvorno digitalna
Prava pristupa Otvoreni pristup
Uvjeti korištenja
Datum i vrijeme pohrane 2021-10-07 12:27:30