Sažetak | Cilj: Cilj ovog istraživanja za diplomski rad je bio ispitati utjecaj pušenja na rizik za nastanak
opstrukcijske apneje tijekom spavanja.
Ispitanici i postupci: U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 100 ispitanika u dobi od 18 do 84
godine koji su dolazili na redovne preglede u ambulante obiteljske medicine. Za provedbu
istraživanja korišten je anonimni STOP BANG upitnik u koji su uključena dodatna pitanja o
pušačkom statusu i navikama pušenja. Svim ispitanicima određene su antropometrijske mjere.
Tjelesna masa i visina mjerene su kalibriranom vagom i visinomjerom. Na temelju podataka iz
upitnika ispitanici su podijeljeni u skupine STOP pozitivni i STOP negativni.
Rezultati: Od ukupnog broja ispitanika bilo je 65 nepušača te 35 pušača. Nepušači su u odnosu
na pušače imali veću tjelesnu masu (81,52 ± 16,01 vs 74,9 ± 15,2, P=0,046), veće vrijednosti ITM
(27,01 ± 4,43 vs 25,09 ± 4,10, P=0,037), širi opseg vrata (39 ± 4,67 vs 36,71 ± 3,73, P=0,014) te
širi opseg struka (99,91 ± 14,99 vs 92,94 ± 13,01, P=0,023). Pronađena je statistički značajna
razlika između opsega vrata>43 cm za muškarce i >41 cm za žene (P=0,01). Naime, 18 (27,7%)
nepušača imalo je širi opseg vrata u odnosu na pušače kod kojih je širi opseg vrata zabilježen u 2
(5,7%) ispitanika. Ukupno, 59 (59%) pacijenata imalo je rezultate STOP upitnika pozitivno, a njih
41 (41%) negativno. Nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika između STOP pozitivnih i STOP
negativnih s obzirom na status pušenja (P=0,482).
Zaključak: Istraživanjem nije potvrđena povezanost navike pušenja i većeg rizika za nastanak
OSA-e-. Međutim, kod više od polovice ispitanika prema upotrebljenom upitniku postoji srednji
ili visoki rizik za nastanak OSA-e. S obzirom da je bolest često nedijagnosticirana potrebno je
podizati svijest o ovoj bolesti i utjecaju raznih rizičnih čimbenika na njen nastanak kako bi
dijagnosticiranje i liječenje bilo što učinkovitije. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Objective: The objective of this thesis research was to examine the impact of smoking on the risk
of obstructive sleep apnea.
Subjects and procedures: A total of 100 subjects between the ages of 18 and 84 who came for
regular check-ups at family medicine clinics took part in the research. An anonymous STOP
BANG questionnaire was used to conduct the research, which included additional questions about
smoking status and smoking habits. Anthropometric measurements were determined for all
subjects. Body mass and height were measured with a calibrated scale and altimeter. Based on the
data from the questionnaire, the respondents were divided into STOP positive and STOP negative
Results: Out of the total number of respondents, there were 65 non-smokers and 35 smokers.
Compared to smokers, non-smokers had a higher body mass (81.52±16.01 vs 74.9±15.2, P=0.046),
higher BMI values (27.01 ± 4.43 vs 25.09 ± 4.10, P=0.037), wider neck circumference (39 ± 4.67
vs 36.71±3.73, P=0.014) and wider waist circumference (99.91± 14.99 vs 92.94 ± 13.01, P=0.023).
A statistically significant difference was found between neck circumference >43 cm for men and
neck circumference >41 cm for women (P=0.01). Namely, 18 (27.7%) non-smokers had a wider
neck circumference compared to smokers, in whom a wider neck circumference was recorded in
2 (5.7%) subjects. In total, 59 (59%) patients had positive STOP questionnaire results, and 41
(41%) of them had negative results. No statistically significant difference was found between
STOP positive and STOP negative group regarding smoking status (P=0.482).
Conclusion: The research did not confirm the connection between smoking and a higher risk of
OSA. However, according to the questionnaire used, more than half of the respondents have a
medium or high risk of developing OSA. Given that the disease is often undiagnosed, it is
necessary to raise awareness about this disease and the impact of various risk factors on its
occurrence in order to make diagnosis and treatment as effective as possible. |