
Analiza spontano prijavljenih sumnji na nuspojave lijekova koji djeluju na srce i krvožilje
Analiza spontano prijavljenih sumnji na nuspojave lijekova koji djeluju na srce i krvožilje
Zvonimir Frane Hajder
Uvod: Kardiovaskularne bolesti danas su najčešći uzrok smrtnosti diljem svijeta. Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija ulaže velike napore i novac kako bi se, kombinirano promjenom životnih navika i farmakoterapijom, smanjila smrtnost pacijenata i povećala kvaliteta života. Nuspojave na lijekove neizbježna su posljedica njihovog farmakološkog djelovanja. Metode: Provedena je analiza podataka spontano prijavljenih sumnji na nuspojave lijekova koji djeluju na srce i krvožilje (ATK...
Analiza uzroka neplodnosti i postupaka liječenja medicinski potpomognutom oplodnjom u Centru za medicinski potpomognutu oplodnju KBC-a Split u 2016. godini
Analiza uzroka neplodnosti i postupaka liječenja medicinski potpomognutom oplodnjom u Centru za medicinski potpomognutu oplodnju KBC-a Split u 2016. godini
Angela Renić
Cilj: Analizirati uzroke neplodnosti i uspješnost postupaka medicinski potpomognute oplodnje u Centru za medicinski potpomognutu oplodnju u Klinici za ženske bolesti i porode u KBC-u Split, u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2016. do 31. prosinca 2016. godine. Pacijenti i metode: U studiju su uključeni svi parovi koji su se liječili metodama medicinski potpomognute oplodnje u razdoblju od 1. siječnja 2016. do 31. prosinca 2016. godine. Na temelju podataka dobivenih iz povijesti bolesti...
Analiza učestalosti gena MMP-3 u populaciji splitske regije
Analiza učestalosti gena MMP-3 u populaciji splitske regije
Katarina Bubnjar
CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Cilj ovog istraživanja je analizirati raspodjelu polimorfizma MMP-3 u uzorku opće populacije splitske regije. Ovi će rezultati biti osnova za daljnja istraživanja utjecaja polimorfizma gena MMP-3 na razvoj različitih bolesti, te za eventualna epidemiološka predviđanja i istraživanja pojavnosti bolesti. MATERIJALI I METODE: Ovo presječno istraživanje provedeno je na Kliničkom zavodu za patologiju, sudsku medicinu i citologiju, Laboratoriju za kliničku i...
Analiza čimbenika rizika u bolesnika s akutnim koronarnim sindromom sa ST-elevacijom i bez ST-elevacije
Analiza čimbenika rizika u bolesnika s akutnim koronarnim sindromom sa ST-elevacijom i bez ST-elevacije
Stipe Kalac
Svrha istraživanja: Cilj ovog istraživanja jest analizirati čimbenike rizika u bolesnika sa STE-ACS i bolesnika s NSTE-ACS. Ispitanici i metode: U ovo presječno istraživanje je uključeno 37 ispitanika s akutnim koronarnim sindromom koji su liječeni u Klinici za kardiologiju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Split. Podatci o ispitanicima prikupljeni su iz anketnih upitnika. Ispitanici su podijeljeni u dvije skupine: 19 bolesnika u skupini STE-ACS te 18 bolesnika u skupini NSTE-ACS. ...
Analysis of OTC drugs adverse drug reactions spontaneously reported in 2018
Analysis of OTC drugs adverse drug reactions spontaneously reported in 2018
Markus Kellner
Objectives: Self-medication and self-care are of increased global interest among the public, which has been influenced by several factors. Lack of health services, financial constraint, availability, accessibility, extensive advertisement of medicinal products, ignorance, misbelieves, as well as the possibility to treat or manage an illness through self-care are the most relevant. However, OTC drugs used in self-medication process could also cause adverse drug reactions and we aimed to...
Analysis of gender and race reporting in randomized controlled trials for heart failure
Analysis of gender and race reporting in randomized controlled trials for heart failure
Kamaljeet Kaur Sandhu
Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the reporting of data on gender and ethnicity in RCTs of interventions for heart failure treatment in the major journals from the field of cardiology from 2017 to 2019. Methods: We analysed 344 RCTs published between January 2017 to December 2019 in top five cardiology journals. Full-length papers on heart failure were analysed for reporting on sex/gender and race/ethnicity considerations. We extracted the data for: journal name, year of...
Analysis of murder rates in Sweden, comparing gender, age, and cause of death between 2003 and 2017
Analysis of murder rates in Sweden, comparing gender, age, and cause of death between 2003 and 2017
Emma Jenks
Objective: The main objective of this paper was to analyse risk factors associated with murders and to establish the most common causes of deaths caused by murder in Sweden over the past 15 years. Subjects and Methods: This work was organized as a retrospective study, analysing all homicides in Sweden between the 1st of January 2003 and 31st of December 2017. The data collected was supplied with courtesy of the National Board of health and Welfare of Sweden (Socialstyrelsen) and the...
Analysis of road traffic fatalities in Norway in 2017 with comparison to Croatia
Analysis of road traffic fatalities in Norway in 2017 with comparison to Croatia
Victoria Rodberg Daae
Objective: The main objective of this paper was to analyze the risk factors associated with fatal RTAs in Norway in 2017, and compare it with Croatia. Subjects and methods: This work was organized as a cross-sectional research. The analyzed data was supplied with the courtesy of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and the Norwegian Cause of Death Registry. Necessary data from the Republic of Croatia was collected from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Data was also collected from the...
Analysis of spontaneously reported adverse drug reactions of levothyroxine in Croatia
Analysis of spontaneously reported adverse drug reactions of levothyroxine in Croatia
Ellen Sophie Koppmann
Objectives: Hypothyroidism is a very common disorder and refers to all pathological conditions defined by deficiency of hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The total prevalence, according to previously conducted studies, is around 3%, and of undiagnosed hypothyroidism it is 5%. A gold standard in treatment of this disease is levothyroxine. Patients and Methods: Levothyroxine oral tablets marketed in Croatia were studied. Adverse drug reaction reports for levothyroxine obtained from 1...
Analysis of the quality, accuracy and readability of patient  information on polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) on the  internet available in English
Analysis of the quality, accuracy and readability of patient information on polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) on the internet available in English
Helene Vagenes
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality, accuracy, and readability of patient information on PCOS available online in English. We hypothesized that there would be a difference in the quality of the PCOS information as assessed by the DISCERN tool according to search engine and producer. As well as a difference in the clarity of the PCOS information as assessed by the EQIP tool according to search engine and producer. We further hypothesized that there would be a...
Anomalije za pigmentne boje Splitsko-dalmatinske županije
Anomalije za pigmentne boje Splitsko-dalmatinske županije
Lucija Bego
CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Istražiti i prikazati stupanj prevalencije kolornog poremećaja anomala za pigmentne boje u zdravih muškaraca na području Splitsko-dalmatinske županije i na taj način osvijestiti važnost detaljne dijagnostičke obrade ovog poremećaja kako bi se olakšao odabir budućeg zvanja. ISPITANICI I METODE: Istraživanja su provedena u Klinici za očne bolesti KBC-a Split, ambulanti za medicinu rada DZ-a željezničara u Splitu te ambulantama opće medicine na...
Antimicrobial activity of selected red and white wines against Escherichia coli: In vitro inhibition using fish as food matrix
Antimicrobial activity of selected red and white wines against Escherichia coli: In vitro inhibition using fish as food matrix
Heidi Christine Wheeler [Santoro]
Objectives: The main objective of the present study was to test the antimicrobial activity of five wines against two E. coli strains and to verify the findings in wine-marinated fish fillets as a food matrix. Materials and methods: Five different wines (standard Graševina, macerated Graševina with and without sulfur, rosé, and standard Plavac Mali), all typical Croatian wines, were tested to determine the antimicrobial activity against two Escherichia coli bacterial strains...
