
Etiology and antibiotic sensitivity of urinary tract infections in elderly patients treated during the year 2018 in Clinic for infectology, University hospital Split
Etiology and antibiotic sensitivity of urinary tract infections in elderly patients treated during the year 2018 in Clinic for infectology, University hospital Split
Anna Sophia Sobesky
Objectives: To investigate the most common etiology of bacteria causing urinary tract infection (UTI) and their antibiotic sensitivity in older patients aged 65 years or above. Materials and methods: From January 2018 until December 2018, 107 patients aged 65 years and above were treated for urinary tract infections at the Clinic of Infectology of the University Hospital in Split. We included patients with the diagnosis acute cystitis, prostatocystitis, acute cystopyelitis, acute...
Evaluacija rasta i razvoja djece oboljele od dijabetesa tipa 1 na Klinici za dječje bolesti, KBC Split u razdoblju od 2007. do 2014. godine
Evaluacija rasta i razvoja djece oboljele od dijabetesa tipa 1 na Klinici za dječje bolesti, KBC Split u razdoblju od 2007. do 2014. godine
Ivana Grbavac
Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi utječe li ŠBT1 i kvaliteta metaboličke kontrole ŠBT1 (izražena vrijednostima HbA1c) na rast i razvoj djece oboljele od ŠBT1, liječene na Klinici za dječje bolesti, KBC Split. Materijal i metode: U istraživanje su uključena djeca oboljela od ŠBT1 u razdoblju od siječnja 2007. godine do prosinca 2008 godine, koju smo pratili tijekom sedam godina i koji nisu bolovali od drugih popratnih bolesti koje bi mogle utjecati na rast i razvoj. Svakom...
Evaluation of blood pressure, treatment parameters and cardiovascular risk stratification of patients with arterial hypertension in primary health care
Evaluation of blood pressure, treatment parameters and cardiovascular risk stratification of patients with arterial hypertension in primary health care
Antoine Delachapelle
OBJECTIVES: The aims of the paper were to establish the patients’ BP grading and disease staging, stratify the CV risk of the hypertensive population, determine if the BP treatment target ranges are achieved and assess their treatment parameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study is a cross-sectional retrospective study including 168 patients with HTN from the 1 st of September 2018 to the 1 st of April 2019. The data was collected from eight different offices of family medicine...
Evaluation of cardiac device implantation in the elderly : Impact of COVID-19
Evaluation of cardiac device implantation in the elderly : Impact of COVID-19
Laurenz Reinhardt
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the implantation rates and types of Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices (CIEDs) in the elderly population in Coburg. Compared was the year before the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak with the first COVID-19 pandemic year. Moreover, we will compare various variables of CIED patients before and during the COVID-19 pandemic to deduce further consequences of the ongoing pandemic. Materials and methods: A...
Evaluation of in silico databases for the classification of genomic alterations in oncological samples
Evaluation of in silico databases for the classification of genomic alterations in oncological samples
Veronique Agnes Amann
Objectives: The aim of the first (major) part of this study was to identify and evaluate the most important in silico databases, that are commonly used by VarSome, regarding basic principles of function, classification output (scores and thresholds), web link and PMID number. The second (minor) aim of this study was to investigate in a pilot study, how well the classifications of yet unidentified genomic alterations in oncological samples, predicted by in silico databases, are congruent with...
Evaluation of one day discharge after the laparoscopic appendectomy in children operated for uncomplicated appendicitis at Department of pediatric surgery, University hospital of Split
Evaluation of one day discharge after the laparoscopic appendectomy in children operated for uncomplicated appendicitis at Department of pediatric surgery, University hospital of Split
Alexander Tesch
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the safety and parental satisfaction of discharge home within 24 hours after laparoscopic appendectomy for uncomplicated acute appendicitis (AA). Patients and Methods: From March 1st, 2021, to May 1st, 2022, a total of 180 patients were included in the study. All patients, ages 6 to 17, who underwent laparoscopic appendectomy for uncomplicated AA and were discharged to home care within 24 hours of the procedure, performed by...
Evaluation of stress response in patients following cardiac surgery
Evaluation of stress response in patients following cardiac surgery
Lara Sophia Vötgen
Objectives: The aim of the current study was to investigate the magnitude of stress response in patients undergoing cardiac surgery, with an additional focus on the possible variations of stress response between cardiac surgery with and without CPB. Patients and methods: This study enrolled 125 patients, aged between 41 and 84 years, who were scheduled for elective CABG, heart valve surgery or combined surgery, with or without CPB. Excluded from the study were patients with mental...
Evaluation of the frequency and necessity of proton-pump-inhibitor therapy in geriatric patients
Evaluation of the frequency and necessity of proton-pump-inhibitor therapy in geriatric patients
Anna Laura Emma Müller
Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the usage of proton pump inhibitors in geriatric patients in the general medicine ward. Additionally, the study also looked into polypharmacy among those patients. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study analyzed medical histories and medication lists of patients in the general medicine ward at Regiomed Klinikum Coburg during June 2019 and June 2023. A convenience sample of 154 geriatric patients was used during the selection...
Evaluation of the “Uroli App” for Urinary Stone Metaphylaxis
Evaluation of the “Uroli App” for Urinary Stone Metaphylaxis
Katharina Sklorz
Objectives: The aim of our study was to analyze, how effective the “Uroli” application is to support the metaphylaxis of adult patients with urolithiasis after acute treatment of a kidney or ureter stone, compared to metaphylaxis without the “Uroli” application in terms of medical benefit and patient-relevant structural and procedural improvements. Fluid intake, urine pH values and specific gravity were examined in the respective groups. Materials and Methods: This prospective RCT...
Evocirani potencijal P300 u bolesnika s blagim spoznajnim oštećenjem
Evocirani potencijal P300 u bolesnika s blagim spoznajnim oštećenjem
Stipe Medvidović
CILJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Prikazati razlike amplitude i latencije vala P300 između ispitanika s blagim spoznajnim oštećenjem i ispitanika iz kontrolne skupine. USTROJ ISTRAŽIVANJA: Provedena je presječna studija u trajanju od 1. travnja 2012. god. do 10. srpnja 2012. god. Glavni kriterij uključivanja bila je dijagnoza blagog spoznajnog oštećenja. MJESTO ISTRAŽIVANJA: Istraživanje je provedeno na Klinici za neurologiju KBC-a Split, referentni centar za evocirane potencijale...
Explorative study about the effect of classical music on procedure related anxiety in patients with peripheral artery disease
Explorative study about the effect of classical music on procedure related anxiety in patients with peripheral artery disease
Johannes Pampel
Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate a newly assembled classical music playlist with a qualitative survey as well as its effect on procedure related anxiety measured with mNRS and physiologic parameters in patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD). Therefore, patients receiving percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) where randomly assigned to a music and control group. In addition, anamnestic and demographic data was analyzed. Subjects and methods: 25 patients were...
Expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) in high grade and low grade endometrial carcinomas
Expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) in high grade and low grade endometrial carcinomas
Leon Romeo Schmid
Objectives: to investigate HIF-1α immunohistochemical expression in high grade and low grade endometrial carcinomas and to compared the results. Patient’s age at the time of diagnosis, tumor size, depth of myometrial invasion, presence of vascular invasion and lymph node involvement was also noted for each studied group and compared. Subject and method: 10 cases of high grade endometrial carcinoma and 10 cases of low grade endometrial carcinoma were enrolled in the study....
